Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Zoe loved the new toys and books that you sent this month. I can't express how much I appreciate having things for her to do. Now that it's Winter... we have lots of time indoors. She really needs to be kept busy or we both become quite agitated. It seems like we play with everything that she has every single day.

I know that she would really love a dollhouse but I haven't decided which one would be best. There are 3 options. 1) a small, plain, wooden dollhouse like Melissa & Doug sell. it has lots of furniture and it's own set of people. 2) a Calico Critters dollhouse. this line of toys is extensive and adorable. she was given a bunny family last year and it opened my eyes to a new array of cuteness. Zoe has played with this stuff in stores and enjoys it. 3) a 12" dollhouse that is big and plastic-y. Kid Kraft is selling one at costco. 12" dollhouses fit Barbie dolls & furniture, which is in our future anyway. But they are really big and plastic. But they also have working lights and elevators and tiny doorknobs.

Zoe is somewhat tall, or has a long torso maybe. I started buying size 4T shirts because they fit better. But she is still in 3T pants for now. I think she'll need some bigger socks soon, too. Hers are all 36 months right now. Doug & Dad sent 2 new hoodie/jackets! Thank you!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Other things

Some other things Zoe could use include: a winter coat, socks, hoodie/fleece jacket, pants, winter pajamas [the owl flannel pj's are a little snug, but still so cute!], long-sleeved shirts, autumn dress/jumper-type outfit, leggings. She doesn't like bulky clothes. She would just wear her swimsuit everyday if we didn't need to leave the house.
She also suddenly understands dressing up and sometimes tells me that she is wearing a "costume". I think Halloween might be fun this year! If you see some cute/cheap costumes - especially when Halloween is over - she would probably enjoy having some dress-up stuff to play with. She likes pirates, princesses, robots, doctors, animals... all of the normal things. I think she would like a doctor's kit, but she gets frustrated when things don't 'really' work - like fake kid's tools where the saw doesn't actually cut anything in half - boring! She really likes stethoscopes. I'm pretty sure they're expensive. Maybe Aunt Tammy can find one laying around?

She just came in with some headphones on and said "look mom, I'm a robot!"

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I think that this blog's design is easier to read. I updated the lists this morning and I'll continue to add things as I find them in the house/car/yard.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

List Links

I am listing all of the items on any of the "I Would Enjoy..." lists as links to the item on Amazon or Toys R Us. Just so you can see what I'm talking about instead of me writing a detailed description.

The Lists........

I think this is the best way to keep track of things. I don't mind saying that the upkeep of this particular blog diminishes my "free" time at the computer and, like the main ZAH blog, is really for you and not for me. I would appreciate it if you would keep me informed as to the usefulness of these lists. If nobody ever looks at it, or if you just check it once in December, then I will probably not try very hard to update it.
But if these lists are a great relief to you, or if you are just amazed as to how we fit all of this stuff into our little house and want to add to it for the sheer thrill, then I don't mind working on them at all.