Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Zoe loved the new toys and books that you sent this month. I can't express how much I appreciate having things for her to do. Now that it's Winter... we have lots of time indoors. She really needs to be kept busy or we both become quite agitated. It seems like we play with everything that she has every single day.

I know that she would really love a dollhouse but I haven't decided which one would be best. There are 3 options. 1) a small, plain, wooden dollhouse like Melissa & Doug sell. it has lots of furniture and it's own set of people. 2) a Calico Critters dollhouse. this line of toys is extensive and adorable. she was given a bunny family last year and it opened my eyes to a new array of cuteness. Zoe has played with this stuff in stores and enjoys it. 3) a 12" dollhouse that is big and plastic-y. Kid Kraft is selling one at costco. 12" dollhouses fit Barbie dolls & furniture, which is in our future anyway. But they are really big and plastic. But they also have working lights and elevators and tiny doorknobs.

Zoe is somewhat tall, or has a long torso maybe. I started buying size 4T shirts because they fit better. But she is still in 3T pants for now. I think she'll need some bigger socks soon, too. Hers are all 36 months right now. Doug & Dad sent 2 new hoodie/jackets! Thank you!